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18.00PM - 20.00PM
A ladies only class, providing a fun way to learn the techniques of boxing alongside a hard circuit which includes bag work, pad work and floor based exercises which concentrate on the core muscles. Overall the best weight loss and body toning class out there no matter what your current level of fitness may be! You will be pushed to your limits in a safe and friendly environment. Many people think that boxing is all about the arms but it is actually a cardio work-out for the whole body. It's especially good for toning your bottom and quadricep muscles, which is perfect for women as part of an overall fitness and toning programme. Boxing is largely about technique, once you pick up the moves you can generally increase the work rates. If you're not particularly fit then that's not a huge problem. Boxing is actually easier for a lot of people than running The Benefits you will see from Boxercise include: increased agility and coordinationmuscle tone and greater fitness.Weight lossincreased confidence Boxercise is a high intensity, full body workout that will keep you moving the whole time. When you're not throwing a punch, you're ducking and weaving — or doing squats and abdominal work..
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